2004 VW GTI 1.8T - 170K miles 2004년 차를 샀던 때가 생각난다. 벌써 9년 4개월이나 지났고, 170,000 마일을 넘게 탔다. 돈만 좀 넉넉하게 있었더라면 새 차를 사도 이건 안팔고 킵하고 싶을 만큼 아끼는 차인데... 그렇지 않아서 팔게 되었다. 이제는 좀 큰 차가 필요하기도 하고, 스틱을 운전하는거때문에 허리가 더 아픈거 같기도 하고. 마지막으로 사진을 찍었다. 팔기 위해서 인터넷에 올릴라고 찍은 사진이기도 하지만, 보내기 전에 마지막 모습 간직하고 싶었다. Products & Stuff 2013.12.10
Car Shopping + Calumet Photo Last Saturday, Josephine and I went to test-drive a Volkswagen Golf. The new 2010 Golf's and GTI's have a whole new design for headlights and taillights. I love it. Makes me want to get a new GTI. Josephine test-drove one and she liked it a lot. And then we went to Calumet Photo in Santa Ana. They have a great selection of camera bags and tripods. Of course they must have all sorts of cameras an.. cameraman2k/my life 2010.02.18
MY GTI - faithful friend for 100,000 miles Purchased on August 19, 2004. Reached 100,000 miles on February 11, 2009. - in less than 4 1/2 years. And it still runs like it's brand new. I never regretted, not even once i swear, that I chose GTI for my 3rd car, which was the 1st car I got to choose. Just like most European cars, it has had problems here and there, mostly electrical problems (replace bulbs about 1,000 times i think), but I .. cameraman2k/my life 2009.02.14