Wonderful God by Josephine Chung Just felt like uploading an old video from 2010, which we made to show the guests at our wedding.그때당시에 블로그에는 안 올렸던것을 확인하고 3년이 지난 지금 올림.10cm의 "아메리카노" 뮤직비디오에서 아이디어를 따와서 동생 Andy에게 촬영을 부탁했다. 노래는 "Wonderful God" by Paul Baloche.장소는 Old Town Pasadena. Videography 2013.10.28
Josephine Singing 사랑의 서약 at a Wedding This was back in October of last year. I got to play cajon in public for the first time. Guitar by Hipom Che. Music 2012.01.26
"CLOSER" - Josephine Chung's 1st Album It's not out yet, but we (Josephine, DS, Jun, and me) are working hard to get it released by 7/3/11, which is less than a week from today. The website for album information and pre-order has been up since last week and we're getting a lot of orders. Everyone who is involved in this project wishes there was a proper music studio we can use, but it all comes down to time & money, which we have non.. Music 2011.06.28
Josephine Singing "Wonder Wall" at Evil or Live Concert 지난달에 LA M Park Theatre 에서 마약퇴치 자선 콘서트, Evil or Live 가 있었는데, 진선이가 게스트 씽어로 초대를 받아서 (코워커의 커넥션으로) 2번째 순서에 노래 2곡을 불렀다. 첫번째 곡은 Oasis 의 Wonder Wall (위 비디오) 였고, 두번째곡은 진선이가 작사작곡한 찬양(제목 미정)이었다. 물론 2곡 다 비디오로 찍어놓았으나, 2번째 곡은 공식발표를 앞두고 있기 때문에 공개할수 없음. 그리고 공식발표 후에도 공개하지 않을 예정이기 때문에 듣고 싶으신 분들은 약 2주내로 출시될 Josephine Chung 1집을 구입하시길... 총 7곡이 수록될 예정이며, 그 중 3곡은 Josephine Chung 자작곡, 1곡은 진선이의 동생 Jinna 와 친구들 (Daisy & P.. Music 2011.06.18
주만 높이리 (TGIF: 2/4/11) PASSWORD: SRCC 02/04/2011 남가주 사랑의 교회 YES 청년부 TGIF 집회 Led by Josephine Chung Shot with Canon EOS 7D + Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 Sound Recorded with Zoom H4n Music 2011.02.06
Clippers vs. Timberwolves [12/20/10] First basketball game with Josephine, and last basketball game in 2010. Clippers beat the heck out of T'wolves and was a blow out in favor of the Clippers. 지난번에 바로 Lakers Bench 뒤에 첫째줄에 앉아서 본 적이 있었는데 [Lakers vs. Nets] 그때는 선수들 뒷통수밖에 보이지 않고 게임이 어떻게 진행되는지는 전혀 알수가 없었는데, 이번에 앉은 Row 8 에서는 모든것이 너무 잘 보였다. 선수들 목소리까지 들을수 있고. LA 에 Lakers 만 있지 않고 Clippers 가 있어서 얼마나 감사한지... Clippers 가 없었다면 그렇게 비싸지 않은 돈으로 이렇게 .. cameraman2k/my life 2011.01.04
Honeymoon - Oahu Our 2nd destination was Oahu. Having done many outdoor activities in Maui, we mostly drove around to enjoy some of the famous beaches of Hawaii when we were on Oahu island. cameraman2k/my life 2010.12.29
Honeymoon - Maui For our honeymoon, we stayed at two islands in Hawaii, and the first of two was Maui. I had visited Oahu, where the city of Honolulu is, back in 1998 right before I graduated from high school, but visiting Maui was first time for both of us. The place was more than we could have wished for. I was expecting to see a lot of young newly wed couples like us, but surprisingly, newly weds were hard to.. cameraman2k/my life 2010.12.23