Saturday 특별한 스케쥴 없던 토요일. 아침에 은행가서 볼일도 보고, 내 GTI 12,000 마일만에 오일체인지 해주고, Sam Ash 가서 electric drum 한시간 치고, drum sticks 도 사고, CPK gift card 로 점심겸 저녁도 먹고, 저녁에는 집에와서 비디오 편집하고 그랬다. cameraman2k/my life 2010.04.22
Random Shots while my GTI is getting an Oil Change Kim's Auto in Garden Grove, CA. (Magnolia + Chapman) I started coming here since I had a bad experience at a Certified Tire store, when they broke my hood latch while doing an oil change and kept trying to do nothing about it. I couldn't trust just anyone with my GTI. Although this Kim's Auto place is pretty ghetto (makes me wonder if i'm in Orange County or Idaho, and if i'm in 2009 or 1985) th.. Scenes & Places 2009.07.02