Happening around the world

A woman and the 911 crew

CPA Sean 2009. 2. 6. 12:49

Today I went to the bank to make a deposit for our office and saw a woman lying down face-up, flat on the hallway floor.  She was still and two guys next to her were making sure she's still breathing. I overheard what one guy was telling someone else. She was running out from the building and ran her forehead into the clear glass door. And she collapsed.
Fire truck came soon after and she was carefully carried into the fire truck by four fire department crew. Some ladies ,who seemed to be her co-workers, came out and was shocked to see the woman lying flat on the ground. It definitely was an "oh no!" emergency situation, but at the same time it was kind of funny. Woman having concussion after running into the glass door.  I almost took a picture of the woman lying down, but it was not something a person should do considering that there is some chance she might end up dying.