Paul's Graduation Part I [Art Center College of Design] 2년연속 가는 Art Center 졸업식. 작년엔 heyjun, 올해는 thepaulshin. 처음 시작한게 엇그제같은데 벌써 졸업했다.. cameraman2k/my friends & family 2009.04.22
Paul's Graduation Part II [Art Center College of Design] 중국사람 같아보이는 Paul의 친구. 사진을 찍어달라고 카메라를 내미는데 깜짝 놀랐다. 포커스를 맞추려고 셔터를 반쯤 눌렀는데 포커스 그런거 없이 찍혀버렸다. 내가 약 20년전에 아빠한테 받았던 카메라가 이것보다는 좋았다고 장담한다. 점심은 어디에서 먹을지 고민. Orange County 에서 먹으려다가 LA로 다시 올라와야하는 용훈이때문에 다시 생각. 결국엔 Cerritos 에 있는 "길목"에서 갈비와 동치미국수. cameraman2k/my friends & family 2009.04.22
Art Center College of Design [Senior Grad Show] Visited Art Center for Paul's Senior Grad Show [Advertising Major]. Met Jun in the hallway, who graduated exactly a year ago. Paul was talking to someone who could be Paul's future employer. cameraman2k/my friends & family 2009.04.19
Art Center College of Design [Senior Grad Show] Checked out other people's art works. Heard 한도 was graduating too. Went up to his station and took some photos. Didn't know that he was majoring in Motion Graphics just like Master Jun and Changster. Events 2009.04.19